Monday, January 19, 2009

A day in the life....

As I sit here early in the morning, having woken up again and not been able to fall back asleep, Im kinda thankfulfor the jetlag because it has given me a time to catch up with people back home, and update this blog. Im sitting in my room (Bill Im wearing the navy shirt you gave me) trying to recall all the events of yesterday to fill everyone in on. Well Chandru came and picked me up at 945 and we went and picked up Anderew and then headed to theschool for the first time. It was beautiful! White-washed buildings with lots and lots of windows so the buildings were pretty much lighted naturally. We went to Dr. Raos office first and discussed which courses we were taking and how field trips, and service work (which will be settled by the end of the week) would go. Its so cool because Andrew and I are going to be the only two to an instructure. And Im taking Indian Dance (which hes not taking) and hes taking yoga (which Im not taking) and for those, we will have our own personal instructure! All in all its a pretty sweet deal. After our meeting with Dr.Raowe went and toured the small campus. It consisted of a dorm (which is for all the Indian Bioengineering students) and another building which is where they manufacture pharmacuitacal machinary on one side, and then labs for the indian students to learn how to produce pharmacuitical drugs. Then theres the building for the Westernized students(which Andrew and I will get to ourselves) complete with a 4-computer computer lab, and two full sized very extravagant classrooms (they look like the class rooms in MMTH--very modern and nice). Then a modern lounge with couches, a tea/coffe/hot chocolage/soup machine, butter cookies, and a water cooler which produces cold/lukewarm/hot water.In the lounge area the wifi works, and will probablly be where I skype most of you! :) Then theres teh roof, which is what it is....a roof that over looks the very green a palm-tree populated campus. Yesterday I sat on the roof for about an hour just soaking up the sun and journaling. After that Andrew and I left,and had lunch at Gettas (his homestay). After lunch we took our first rickshaw...we went to explore MG road and it was awesome. THere were stores everywhere filled with beautiful jewlery, sarrees, and housewares. Andrew really wanted to try an Indian beer so we ended up going to this lounge-club type thing which was a cool atmosphere...hada very clubbish-feeling to it, but not suitable for 4 in the afternoon. We were the only two in the joint and it was kinda awkward. We soon left so he could do some grocery shopping, and then headed back to Getas. We have an extended weekend this weekend so we are trying to plan a trip to Goa (which are world renound beaches). We tried toget train tickets but unfortunatly they were completly sold out. Im not will work out, and if it doesnt for this weekend, it will for another weekend. We went to some resteraunt or another which also had a verymodern-clubbish type feel to it. Very cool atmosphere, but once again being a monday night, we were one of the onlyfew in the joint. It was about 8:30p by the time we left, and I was exhausted! So we headed back to our places, andI pretty much just passed out for the night! All in all a very good day--today we're going to have a tour of the city and Im thrilled...should be a pretty amazing day! I love and think about you all very often! with lots of love, rebecca ann

1 comment:

  1. Only in America! We watched Barack Obama, the first African American, be sworn into office. There were record number crowds in Washington ranging from 1.5 to 2 million people. It was a historic day to say the least. How blessed we are to live in a free country. Just wanted you to know that we're thinking about you today, Becca!

    Love ya, Judy and Juliana
