Journal entry 2.20.2009--
So Wed. night Stefan invited me to be his date to a fashion show for a prestigious Italian brand called Ferragamo It was at a 5star country-club hotel. It was open-bar (sponsored by petrone) and just very classy. I felt like a rockstar because when Steffan and I walked in several magazine photographers took our picture infront of the sponsor background and Stefan said theres a 95% chance our pic would be featured in the 'Hot Happenings' section of some magazines. I felt pretty classy with my black heels, black tank top, dark jeans, and diamond earings, mangojuice in one hand (complete with umbrella), silver clutch purse in the other, adn black scarf around my neck. First time in my life Ive ever felt so prestigious and chic. It was a lot of fun but def. made me think....just 4 hours earlier I had been with some of India's most underprivilaged (at the orphanage) and now I was surrounded (and easily accepted) into the circle of India's elite. Two extremly different worlds that I experienced within 4 hours of each other. Both places I was warmly accepted, both places I seemed to adapt and adjust to easily. The fashion show was a lot of fun, but my heart belongs to the less forunate for sure. Hearing a chorus of 'AKKA AKKA" makes my heart flutter more than hearing "Madame". But being able to say that I've been to a fashion show is very cool. It was a legit fashion show. I kept thinking of Megan Held the entire time ("Megan would be SOO jealous right now")
Anways I returned back to the hostel around midnight and fell into a deep sleep....only to be awaken by TERRIBLE cramps around 3am. I started throwing up on and off for about 2 hours and at about 6am I called Mrs. Kutty to inform her I wouldnt be at school because I was sick. She arranged a Doctors apt. for me at 11am and told me to try and sleep. I slept on and off and called my mom crying--partly out of exhaustion, partly disappoinment bc I was supposed to leave for Goa that day, but mostly because of pain--the cramps felt like sure fire contractions! As all good moms do, she calmed me down and it was just soothing to hear her voice. Gopal came and picked me up and took me to the doctors. As it turns out I had an upper-digestive tract infection (which is funny that just the day before I had predicted in my journal that I was going to run myself sick soon....whatdya know!?) The doc gave me 2 antibiotic shots in my hand which took about 7 or 8 jabs before he got the vein each time (which turned it a beautiful purplely-brownish bruise) and then perscribed 2 oral antibiotics. He reccommended sleep, coconut water, and aviod Indian food for 12 hours, but that I could travel and would be feeling better within a day. So I slept the entire taxi ride to the airport, the entire plane ride, and the entire first night we were in Goa. Andrew and I rented these small shacks (that cost about $8 a night per person) and they are LITERALLY on the beach--no joke, 5 steps from the shack and your on the beach. Its amazing!
I wish I could describe Goa--its absolutly breath-taking. The only place that I can compare it to is Jamiaca; except less commercialized and more secluded. Its gorgrous! So for all of you who said i was crazy for coming to India, please picture me sitting on the beach eating fresh fruit salad w/ice cream and ask yourself whos crazy!? Me for coming of your for not? Anways I love and miss you all sooooo very much and wish I could be enjoying Goa with you!
lots of love,
rebecca ann
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